I got all of my medical/dental paperwork submitted in June with no problems. There ended up being 3 dentist visits and 3 doctors visits, but we fit them all in within a one month time span, and the doctors at Seoul National University Hospital were great. They were highly organized, familiar with the paperwork, and probably did a better job keeping me informed of all the processes than any US hospital could have. I’d highly recommend them to anyone trying to apply from Korea. The PC medical evaluators didn’t have a single complaint. I didn’t even know I was under review until I got my clearance email.
Which brings me to the latest development… I just got my dental and medical clearances!!! I’ve been trying to keep myself distracted since I got back to the States, and, honestly didn’t expect any updates for at least another couple weeks. What a WONDERFUL surprise!
Anyway, that’s about all the new news. I’ll try to get a comprehensive application timeline up in the not too distant future. Peace out!