Sunday, February 24, 2013

9 weeks

One of the other girls leaving for Guyana in my group told me the other day that we leave in 9 weeks.  

9 WEEKS!!!!!


It reminded me that I really need to enjoy this time at home.  I've been eating all my favorite foods, watching my favorite TV shows, drinking some mighty fine IPAs, and tormenting the heck out of my little sister (with love, of course).  I've got a habit of living in the future, so I'm trying to make a conscious effort to enjoy the little things.  

Today has been pretty great.  You should know my mom had her very first pottery class last week.  She's also the person I get my randomly obsessive enthusiasm from.  Anyway, today, five days after her fist lesson, she bought a pottery wheel.  Not only that, we brought it home, moved the kitchen table into the living room, and and set up the wheel in the middle of the kitchen.  

And no one who knows my family would be even remotely surprised by this.

If that wasn't proof enough of our awesomeness (eccentricity), we all took turns attempting to throw on the old kick wheel in the kitchen.  (Everyone managed to get something built.  Dad's was exceptionally impressive.)

I'm so excited to get to Guyana--most days I'm so ready to get out of Troy again I can't hardly stand it--but, seriously, it'll be so weird being away from the Schwent family antics for over 2 years.